Trademark Ready is Here to Help!
View our services below.
Trademark Ready can help you:
File a new trademark application
Respond to an office action
Explain your options when protecting your business
New Trademark Filing
*plus government filing fees
- A trademark attorney will: +Prepare and file your trademark application +Conduct a direct conflict trademark search +Receive a Trademark Search report +Draft the trademark application +File your application +Monitor the application +Send you a copy of the filing +You will have on-going attorney advisement
Trademark Renewal Filing
*plus government filing fees
- A trademark attorney will: +Review your registration and renewal filings +Review the relevant filing and renewal dates, renewal affidavits and the specimen +File the renewal application and relevant documents within 24 hours!
Standard Office Action Service
- Appropriate for: +Classification description +Specimen issues +Merely Descriptive/Misdescriptive +Ornamentation
Plus Office Action Service
- Appropriate for: +Likelihood of Confusion/Suspension +Scandalous
Government Filing Fees and Service Fees